Ihsan Jean-Paul Dal Din
Qigong Tuina -
      Chinese Remedial Massage
Ear Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Massage

Acupuncture with a trained and fully qualified practitioner is one of the safest forms of healthcare you can choose, combining the art of diagnosis with the skill of practice. 


People of all ages can benefit from having acupuncture to help manage a range of health conditions. Sometimes, people choose acupuncture when their body systems feel out of balance, even though they have no obvious symptoms. Some choose to have regular treatment because they find it beneficial and relaxing, especially if they lead a very stressful life. Often, people turn to acupuncture to take back control of their health whilst others want to understand their body in a deeper way, wanting to look after their health, mind and soul.


  In the last couple of decades, high quality clinical trials have been conducted and the evidence base for acupuncture is now growing. Most clinical research is concentrated on chronic pain. This has resulted in a large, systematic review* of over 20,000 patients that demonstrates that acupuncture Is effective and the results are not purely due to the placebo effect. More details can be found on the BAcC website.



I will take your medical history, read your pulse, I may examine the site of your symptoms, and may look at your tongue. Your individual treatment plan will be based on your current health and lifestyle.


 Sometimes acupuncture needles are inserted for just a second or two, or you may be asked to rest for a while before the needles are removed. I may use an alternative technique such as moxibustion, cupping, tuina massage or guasha. The single-use sterile needles come in sealed packs and all needles are safely disposed of after each treatment. I always have a clean clinic, I clean my hands frequently and will never needle you through your clothing. 


Acupuncture needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as your acupuncturist adjusts the needle. Many people feel deeply relaxed during the treatment. Those people with an aversion to needles often end up enjoying acupuncture due to its positive effects and relaxing treatments.


I treat the whole person, not just the condition which you have, so each patient’s treatment plan will be different, and sometimes I only need to treat your condition; it is an agreement we come to together. Weekly sessions are quite usual to begin with. Long-term health complaints may require more bi-weekly or maybe monthly ongoing sessions. In lifelong conditions, some patients choose to use acupuncture as an ongoing way to help manage their health and wellbeing.



First Consultation

Safety and Standards

Acupuncture is safe when performed by a fully trained and qualified professional, and the risk of serious adverse events from acupuncture is extremely low. Acupuncture in the UK is not regulated by law. Therefore, the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommends seeing a professional on an Accredited Register, such as a BAcC Member. This is a quality mark for the highest standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct.



Should I tell my doctor I’m having acupuncture? 


If you have been prescribed medication, we recommend you tell your doctor that you plan to have acupuncture with a BAcC registered practitioner. Do not stop taking your medication. You should also tell your acupuncturist about any medication and supplements you are taking. BAcC acupuncturists are trained to recognise potentially serious underlying health conditions and will refer you to your GP if appropriate.


Acupuncture and the NHS


Acupuncture on the NHS is now recommended by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for managing chronic pain as well as migraines and headaches. Under General Medical Council guidelines, GPs may refer patients to practitioners listed on a Professional Standards Authority (PSA) Accredited Register. The BAcC is the accredited register for traditional acupuncture. The PSA recommends that the public only see practitioners on an accredited or statutory register, giving you the confidence you need.


Health Insurance


Many health policies now cover treatment with BAcC registered acupuncturists, so do check with your insurer.

Prices The first time we meet may take up to one and a half hours; 45 minutes consultation and 45 minutes treatment, depending on the condition and your medical history.

Subsequent treatments take between 45-60 minutes.


Initial treatment £70, subsequent treatments £50

Chinese Remedial Massage/ Qigong Tuina
Qigong Tuina is an advanced form of acupressure, including joint rotation and manipulation, stretches and unique hand movements to move qi in the body.
It is received clothed- no oils or lubricants are used.
Tuina can be hard/yang or soft/yin.
We as people are not all the same
and our conditions are also not the same.
I work with meridian and internal organ pathology.
I work with muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
I work with energy in the body and emotions and thought patterns.
I work with your relationship with inside and outside- yourself and other, with 'heaven' and 'earth'.
I treat holistically so that each person can find their innate whole body healing. It is a process of facilitating your own healing.
I have held a certificate in Therapeutic Massage since 1989 and have regularly practised massage before becoming an acupuncturist


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